Tag Archives: “chance on love”

And Then He Proposed: An Unlikely (And Modern) Love Story – Mine! (Part Two)

Even though I am the right-brained creative ‘artist’ I have always craved security, having a plan, organization – order. Maybe it comes from taking care of myself since I was a young teenager. When you have to juggle high school … Continue reading

Posted in Family, home, Life, Love, Personal, Relationships, Romance | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

And Then He Found Me: An Unlikely (And Modern) Love Story – Mine! (Part One)

Tomorrow is my two-year wedding anniversary. When I think about how Roy and I happened, I do a little inward laugh. He was not what I expected, we did not happen how I could have ever guessed and all of … Continue reading

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