Tag Archives: “hyper-vigilance”
When The Lights Go Out
Normally, I am the most prepared person in the world. I am calm, and collected, and even when my emotions are raging on the inside, I can compartmentalize things and be “hyper-rational” to get whatever needs to be, done. But … Continue reading
Posted in Events, home, Life, Personal
Tagged "hyper-vigilance", "lights out", "Post Traumatic Stress", "power outage", darkness, panic, prepared, PTSD, trauma
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My ‘Coming Out’: Surviving Trauma And Managing Post-Traumatic Stress
When I was in college I kept a knife within an arm’s reach, but concealed in the bed that I slept at night. I also slept in my clothes, complete with running shoes. All of the lights were on, my … Continue reading
Posted in Family, family, home, Inspiration, Life, Personal, Relationships
Tagged "child abuse", "hyper-vigilance", "mental health", "post-traumatic stress disorder", abuse, assault, C-PTSD, PTSD, trauma
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