Tag Archives: nanowrimo
Another NaNoWriMo, Come And Gone
It’s officially December, which means another NaNoWriMo has come and gone. This year was a lot better than the last (which was also my first). This year I felt more prepared than I did the year before, but behind in … Continue reading
One Last NaNoWriMo Check-In
The month is almost over, and I have to say I’m glad it is. Unlike last year, I’m not dreading it, and I am ready to celebrate! 😉 This year I started NaNoWriMo late. I didn’t write anything until November … Continue reading
My NaNoWriMo Start: The 2015 Edition
This year was going to be different from last year. That’s what I said. Last year was my first NaNoWriMo and I was so psyched for it. I was excited and inspired and determined to get it done. I knew … Continue reading
It’s That Time Again! NaNoWriMo 2015!!
It’s the last week of October, which can only mean one thing… It’s almost time for NaNoWriMo! I’m really excited about NaNoWriMo this year, more than I’ve ever been before. See, even though I’m an “active writer” and even have … Continue reading
The End Of NaNoWriMo
November is over, which means that National Novel Writing Month has officially ended. How did you do? I was behind for the entire month, and I mean like really behind. I kept writing in this step ladder fashion. I would … Continue reading