Tag Archives: “creative nonfiction”
The Truth About “Writer’s Block”
I’ve heard of this thing called writer’s block before. See, it’s this condition of not being able to think of what to write or how to proceed with your writing. Supposedly it is a writer’s worst enemy. And why not? … Continue reading
A Writer’s First: Personal Essays, Publication Submissions And Writing Contests
I promised myself that this year I would finally submit something. And not just something, but I would begin submitting regularly to different presses and publications. You can’t get published unless you actually put your writing, and yourself, out there. … Continue reading
Writing Through Trauma – I Never Thought I Would Go There
Writing about personal experiences is hard. Writing about the worst times in your life without ranting or breaking down, balancing the raw emotions and the battle with authentic memories is something else entirely. And when you write experiences that have … Continue reading