Tag Archives: tour
Hello Hollywood! A Los Angeles Return/Vacation/Reunion All In One
Two weeks ago, Roy (the husband) and I traveled to LA for a weeklong trip that was both work and play. It was a big deal to go back to Los Angeles (I lived there for a few years while … Continue reading
Posted in Events, food, Journal, People, Relationships, Thoughts, travel
Tagged Beverly Center, California Wok, conference, friends, home again, Huntington Gardens, Huntington Library, LA, La Brea Tar Pits, laid back attitude, local spots, Los Angeles, love, Mercedes Grill, places I used to live, reunion, San Diego, San Diego Zoo, tour, tourist, vacation, Venice Beach
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Walking The Halls Of Alcatraz
Three months ago, my husband and I visited Alcatraz Island during our San Francisco weekend. I keep trying to think of just one word that describes the experience, but I can’t. I can think of several though: intriguing, surprising, foreboding, … Continue reading
Posted in culture, History, Thoughts, travel
Tagged "alcatraz island", "Native Americans", "prison break", "whole world away", “San Francisco”, activism, Alcatraz, crime, echoes, ghosts, haunted, prison, tour
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