Tag Archives: brain surgery
You And Me: The Body Experts
I am a special kind of expert in the medical field. I’m not a doctor, nor did I study medicine… ever. I can’t diagnose other people of their ailments, or offer medical advice… heck I doubt I could even pass … Continue reading
Posted in Health, History, Journal, Life, Medical, Personal, Thoughts
Tagged "bone marrow disorder", "heart condition", "heart surgery", "Osteo Genesis Imperfecta", “Autoimmune disease”, blood disease, brain surgery, brittle bones, deaf, expert, heart murmur, hydrocephalus, know your body, medical resume, mutation, OI, seizure, shunt, stroke
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The Story Is In The Scars: A Body So Touched
A friend once told me that my body was evidence of what I had gone through. I wouldn’t need to tell someone, because they could see it in my scars. I rejected it then because I didn’t care who knew … Continue reading
Posted in Beauty, Health, home, Inspiration, Life, Personal
Tagged "heart surgery", "kidney failure", "stretch marks", body, brain surgery, Kidney, scar, scars, skin
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Please Spare Me My 38th Brain Surgery
The other day I was holding my laptop, on my way to our dining room for some privacy, so that I could get in my writing zone. (I either need to be alone or be able to shut the world … Continue reading
Posted in Health, Medical, Personal
Tagged brain surgery, cerebral shunt, hydrocephalus, medical, Slit Ventricle