Tag Archives: “chosen family”
The Lost Girl: Musings on a Former Friend
Some people come into our lives for a short time, others longer stretches and others seemingly meant to last for the span of a lifetime. Sometimes the category someone falls into surprises us, or we simply have no idea until … Continue reading
It’s Complicated: Trying To Be Human Without Getting All Tangled Up In Toxic Family Relations
I think my family invented the “it’s complicated” relationship status. My mother’s side of the family is crazy. Like seriously insane, in some cases criminally insane, and at least half of the time violently insane. There are a few cousins … Continue reading
This Memorial Day, I Remember… (Part 2)
Yesterday’s blog memorialized the three people in my biological family that are in my thoughts often, but wanted to pay special tribute to this holiday weekend. The three people in this post are family, but that of a different variety. … Continue reading