Tag Archives: hiking

Another Estes Surprise Success! (This Time I Didn’t Even Have To Kidnap Him)

Last Wednesday, my husband was rudely awakened by a note from me: Pack your shit! All right, the note itself was purple (our wedding color scheme) and had a bunch of hearts and before it told him to get packed, … Continue reading

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A Hot Springs Getaway!

Two weeks ago, I surprised (and kidnapped!) my husband with a romantic getaway to Glenwood Springs in Colorado. It was long overdue and something we really needed. We’re complete opposites in everything, which can make a marriage more work than … Continue reading

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Estes Park: The Wonder, Beauty And BREAK We (I!) Needed

Last week I kidnapped my husband and surprised him with a trip to Estes Park, Colorado. It was a trip for HIM, his surprise. Roy kept insisting the trip was for us, but it really wasn’t. I mean we did … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Inspiration, Life, Love, nature, Personal, Relationships, travel, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How To Plan A Romantic Getaway/Abduction Without Getting Caught In 7 ‘Easy’ Steps

Have you ever felt like your relationship is fine, but both you and your spouse need a break from real life, like yesterday? This year has been a hard one for my husband and me. Between house stuff (like a … Continue reading

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