Tag Archives: holiday
Easter 2016 – Another Cheesy “With Child” Practice Run
I’ll admit it, I can be a little cheesy. All right, sometimes I might just be the Queen of Cheesetown. When it comes to the holidays I tend to be less about old traditions and more about making traditions that … Continue reading
St. Patrick’s Day: Is, Isn’t And Should Be
It’s hard for people to tell that I’m Irish. I mean my fair (pale as f**k) complexion or my red curls or the thousands to freckles that adorn my every inch of my skin. The fact that I avoid the … Continue reading
A Very Merry Christmas This Year
Another Christmas came and went and while it was wonderful, I feel like I need to sleep it off. It’s funny – I never really thought about how people need to recover from a good holiday, probably because the holidays … Continue reading
Holiday Traditions: Old and New, His and Mine
The holidays are supposed to be a happy time. A time full of traditions and family. But the holidays often seem to be a time of stress, whether it’s mild, moderate or severe. Whether the stress is because of family, … Continue reading
The Great April Fool’s Dream
I wanted to do something clever for April Fools’. I thought about writing some elaborate story for a blog post and then at the end declaring, “April Fools’!” I mean I see statuses and such on Facebook all the time. … Continue reading