Category Archives: Happy

How Rejecting Gender Made Me Happier, Healthier — Complete

On Tuesday I had a dentist appointment first thing in the morning. I say this because I expected my day to go as, “I’m tired but really need to get some stuff done, but after the dentist will just want … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, blogger, blogging, gay, Happy, Journal, LGBT, Life, Personal, Relationships, Thoughts, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Three Things I Learned Going Through Photos Of The Last Five Years

For Mother’s Day I wanted to do something really special for our grandmothers (my husband, Roy’s, and mine). I had the “brilliant” (OMG it became such a thing it didn’t need to become, but it’s over now  ) idea to … Continue reading

Posted in DIY, Family, Happy, home, Inspiration, Love, People, Personal, Relationships, Romance, travel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Pre-Parenting Questions, Doubts, Longings: Are They Natural Or More Than Just Cold Feet?

Lately, I’ve been thinking about having kids – a lot. I hear that very loud clock only getting louder and since we don’t have about 200k lying around (what it takes to have A – as in one – kid … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Happy, Health, home, Journal, Life, Love, Parenting, Personal, Relationships, Thoughts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

An Amazing Thing In This World: Grandmothers

Grandmothers. They are wonderful. Gifts. And we never forget them. Why the grandmother schicht today? I’m not sure. My grandmothers are never far off from my thoughts, always there in the background. Maybe it’s Mother’s Day coming up on Sunday. … Continue reading

Posted in Family, Happy, Holidays, home, Inspiration, Love, People, Personal, Relationships, Thoughts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Taking A Step Back: A Blogging Perspective

When I first started my blog I had my reasons. Mostly, it was my own attempt at daily writing. I wanted to challenge myself to write beyond just prompts. Whether they were reviews or opinion pieces or parts of my … Continue reading

Posted in Blog, blogger, blogging, Happy, Journal, Life, Thoughts, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment