Tag Archives: balance
A Brand New Year
Another year is upon us and I am genuinely excited for it. 2015 was a good enough year – actually it was the best out of the last three years. I grew. Roy (my husband) grew. Good things happened, we … Continue reading
My Year In Review
I love New Year’s Eve. I’m not sure why, but I just want to party and have good food and be among friends and throw around a lot of confetti (which both makes a mess and is not animal-friendly). I … Continue reading
Personal Growth: Reflections On How I Have Grown
2014 may not have been the best year for me or us (my husband and I) but when it came down to keeping my 2014 resolutions (all 30 of them!) I have to say that I did all right. I … Continue reading
Checking In With Myself: 2014’s Goal For Overall Balance In My Life And A Look At The Past Few Years When I Wasn’t All That Balanced
Now that the year is half over, I find the need to check in with myself. I had big expectations of myself this year. The last few years I have felt were great and what not, but they weren’t all … Continue reading