Tag Archives: “second chance”

AWP: Take 2!

Last year I attended my very first AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Programs) conference. The experience was… well, not so great. I was going to say “complicated” but it really wasn’t. It was just very, very “not great”. Why? … Continue reading

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Another Chance: AWP 2016-Los Angeles

Last year was my first experience with AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Programs) and its annual conference. In some ways it was wonderful, but in all of those ways – it really didn’t have anything to do with the … Continue reading

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The Miracle-Stealer

I believe in miracles. Actually, I know for a fact they exist. People may have different names for them, and some may even try to explain them, but miracles as I see them are gifts that cannot be explained. I … Continue reading

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