Tag Archives: discrimination

One Month Later… Grief, Anger, Defiance, Tolerance vs. Acceptance, Resolve

One month ago today something horrible happened. I’m sure you know what it is because everyone knows it by name. And if it takes you a minute, I’ve only written about it three times (this is the fourth) in the … Continue reading

Posted in community, Current Events, Equality, Events, Faith, gay, LGBT, Life, Opinion, Personal, Social Justice, Thoughts, Writing | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

AWP: Take 2!

Last year I attended my very first AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Programs) conference. The experience was… well, not so great. I was going to say “complicated” but it really wasn’t. It was just very, very “not great”. Why? … Continue reading

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Another Chance: AWP 2016-Los Angeles

Last year was my first experience with AWP (Association of Writers and Writing Programs) and its annual conference. In some ways it was wonderful, but in all of those ways – it really didn’t have anything to do with the … Continue reading

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Letting It Consume… No More Black Hole Tendencies Please

For the past two weeks I have been consumed. I’ve been behind in deadlines, both with work and writing. My house is a mess, and I’m behind in pretty much every personal 2016 goal I’ve set for myself. I haven’t … Continue reading

Posted in Health, lifestyle, Personal, Thoughts | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Lonely, Only Voice (Updated!)

For several weeks, but in particular the last ten days, I have been consumed. I feel drained, exhausted, both mentally and physically, frustrated and like I am in a constant state of shock. Last week I wrote an open letter … Continue reading

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