Tag Archives: editor
When Did The Literary Community Become A Trump Rally/Hate Fest?
A few weeks ago while on vacation in Florida I checked my Facebook and saw my feed all atwitter. Antioch College published a piece by Daniel Harris in their winter issue – and it made people angry. Why? Because it … Continue reading
The Wait… Killing Dreams Or Making Dreams Come True One Manuscript At A Time… Until It Is Yours
I have kept myself busy or more accurately distracted because I’m always busy, the last few weeks, so I wouldn’t think about my manuscript. It is off in an editor extraordinaire’s hands, and has been for almost three weeks. But … Continue reading
One More Time – Revising, Prepping And Sending Off My Manuscript
So, I’m doing this again. You know that thing I said I wouldn’t do. That thing that if I had to do again, I would scratch my own eyes out and gladly bleed out on the table, just so I … Continue reading
Finding The Perfect Editor For Your Baby (Book)
I feel that as a professional freelance editor I should have worlds of wisdom on this topic: finding the right editor for your book. But I don’t. It is something I am trying to navigate myself as we speak. The … Continue reading
The Things You Don’t (But Should) Expect Once You Have Published Your Book (Part Two)
I hope that yesterday’s tips (or warnings depending on how you look at them) did not seem like a bucket of ice water dumped over your head. This second half is all about what to be aware of after you … Continue reading