Category Archives: Opinion
My Life is a Bathroom Issue
Last Thursday I had an essay published in The Dallas Morning News about what it’s like to appear female and use the Men’s restroom. When talking about this “issue” so rarely do people seem to consider what happens when a … Continue reading
Turning 32
I turn 32 on Thursday. I turn 32 on Thursday. Sorry, I’m just trying to let it sink in. I turn 32 on Thursday. This… has me feeling a mixed bag of confusing and overly complicated emotions. Disappointed. Proud. Anxious. … Continue reading
One Month Later… Grief, Anger, Defiance, Tolerance vs. Acceptance, Resolve
One month ago today something horrible happened. I’m sure you know what it is because everyone knows it by name. And if it takes you a minute, I’ve only written about it three times (this is the fourth) in the … Continue reading
Working, Writing Through Grief: Orlando and The Huffington Post
Last week I woke up, sat at my laptop, and immediately saw my Facebook feed full of sorrow and grief and shock and outrage. I learned what happened in Orlando. And I was shocked, devastated and maybe a little numb. … Continue reading
My Heart is (Breaking) With Orlando
I have wanted to say something about Orlando since hearing about it. And I can’t. Because I don’t understand. I don’t understand hating someone so fiercely you want to end their life. Even someone who has wronged you in the … Continue reading