Tag Archives: hate
One Month Later… Grief, Anger, Defiance, Tolerance vs. Acceptance, Resolve
One month ago today something horrible happened. I’m sure you know what it is because everyone knows it by name. And if it takes you a minute, I’ve only written about it three times (this is the fourth) in the … Continue reading
Trump Vs. Cruz: Who Will Be The GOP Candidate (And Who Do I Want It To Be)
Let me upfront about something, because I don’t want people to misunderstand what this blog is about. I am a Libertarian, or according to my moderate-Republican husband: bleeding heart liberal radical… (but he says it with love) so I would … Continue reading
Pro-Rape: Seriously, We’re Doing This Now?
Okay, so yesterday I was on social media after writing a review, thinking about topics for future blog posts when I came across something I thought must be an exaggerated, inaccurate or “spoof” article because it was just too much. … Continue reading
Hate The Sin, Love The Sinner… Or You Know, Be A Decent Human Being Instead
I think everyone has heard of the phrase, “Hate the sin, love the sinner”. It’s this ridiculous religious saying that is said so much it’s become a cliché. Many Christians use it as a way to dress up hate as … Continue reading
The Truth About Institutionalized Hatred: Arizona’s SB 1062 Wasn’t The First, But Can It Be The Last?
Hate is a dish, best served… never! Hate is nothing new and institutionalized bigotry isn’t either. What I always fail to understand is why people carry around so much hatred and put so much energy into limiting the liberties of … Continue reading