Category Archives: Social Justice
One Month Later… Grief, Anger, Defiance, Tolerance vs. Acceptance, Resolve
One month ago today something horrible happened. I’m sure you know what it is because everyone knows it by name. And if it takes you a minute, I’ve only written about it three times (this is the fourth) in the … Continue reading
Working, Writing Through Grief: Orlando and The Huffington Post
Last week I woke up, sat at my laptop, and immediately saw my Facebook feed full of sorrow and grief and shock and outrage. I learned what happened in Orlando. And I was shocked, devastated and maybe a little numb. … Continue reading
The Truth About Privilege
Privilege. It’s a scary word for some. The idea that one group of people is automatically counted while others are left behind – seen as better, and treated as such, is repulsive. I think a lot of people feel this … Continue reading
Pro-Rape: Seriously, We’re Doing This Now?
Okay, so yesterday I was on social media after writing a review, thinking about topics for future blog posts when I came across something I thought must be an exaggerated, inaccurate or “spoof” article because it was just too much. … Continue reading
Domestic Violence: It’s Not A Women’s Issue, It’s A Human Issue
October has always been a big month for me. It is LGBT History Month (Pride is something else yo). In college and graduate school there were midterms and big-deal projects. But October is also something else – it’s Domestic Violence … Continue reading