Tag Archives: lgbt
Nebraska: Welcome To 2015, Please Stay Awhile
Today was a day when the fair state of Nebraska (it’s one of the ones in the middle) joined so many other states on the right side of history, and said, “Yes,” to same-sex marriage. Well, not quite. Technically, a … Continue reading
Posted in Christianity, Faith, Love, News, Politics
Tagged "ban on same-sex marriage", "civil rights", "federal judge", "same-sex marriage", "the bible", church, equality, gay, lesbian, lgbt, Nebraska, personal, unconstitutional
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The “Almost Best” New Shows Of Fall 2014
These four shows deserve a special shout-out. They may not have made the “best” list but they still rise above other runner-ups and solid new shows. They are the almost best! “Scorpion” My Rating 8.5 out of 10 Stars Walter … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Opinion, Reviews, television, TV
Tagged "Best of TV", "Fall 2014", "the mccarthys", benched, comedy, crime, forever, gay character, genius, immortal, legal, lgbt, outcast, scorpion, sitcom
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It’s Gay Pride Month Y’all And Look How Far We Have Come
I have always loved the month of June. It is the first month of summer, the month I was married and it also happens to be LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) Pride Month, commonly referred to as Gay Pride. … Continue reading
Posted in community, culture, Equality, Events, Life, lifestyle, Opinion, People, Politics
Tagged "equal rights", "gay pride", "same-sex marriage", bisexual, equality, gay, glbt, lesbian, lgbt, pride, transgender
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