Category Archives: Politics
My Life is a Bathroom Issue
Last Thursday I had an essay published in The Dallas Morning News about what it’s like to appear female and use the Men’s restroom. When talking about this “issue” so rarely do people seem to consider what happens when a … Continue reading
Trump Vs. Cruz: Who Will Be The GOP Candidate (And Who Do I Want It To Be)
Let me upfront about something, because I don’t want people to misunderstand what this blog is about. I am a Libertarian, or according to my moderate-Republican husband: bleeding heart liberal radical… (but he says it with love) so I would … Continue reading
Are We Really Doing This Again?
Remember back in 2013 when a bunch of Republicans (excuse me, Tea Partiers parading around as orderly Republicans) threw a tantrum that shut down our government for sixteen days because they refused to pass legislation that did not include measures … Continue reading
Men Are Stupid and Women Are Ugly: Kim Davis – A Case Study
I’m sure by this point everyone has heard the name: Kim Davis. If you haven’t, here it is in a nutshell: Kim Davis is a county clerk in Kentucky who has a big problem with same-sex marriage. So despite the … Continue reading