Tag Archives: Republican
Trump Vs. Cruz: Who Will Be The GOP Candidate (And Who Do I Want It To Be)
Let me upfront about something, because I don’t want people to misunderstand what this blog is about. I am a Libertarian, or according to my moderate-Republican husband: bleeding heart liberal radical… (but he says it with love) so I would … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Opinion, People, Political, Politics, Thoughts
Tagged bad politics, caucus, Democrat, Donald Trump, election, GOP, GOP hopeful, government, hate, lesser of two evils, Libertarian, Political Affiliation, presidential candidate, Presidential Election, Primaries, primary elections, Republican, Tea Party, Ted Cruz, United States
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The Day After… The Elections, Reflexes, Actual Realities And A Debate With My Political Opposite (My Husband)
There are a lot of people upset about last night’s elections. I could be, I might be, every now and then, and initially I was. But that was before and this is now, when I have had some time to … Continue reading
Posted in Events, News, Opinion, Political, Politics, Thoughts
Tagged "checks and balances", "equal rights", "informed voting", "LGBT rights", "reproductive rights", agenda, congress, Democrat, election, represent, Republican, senate
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