Category Archives: Religion
Hate The Sin, Love The Sinner… Or You Know, Be A Decent Human Being Instead
I think everyone has heard of the phrase, “Hate the sin, love the sinner”. It’s this ridiculous religious saying that is said so much it’s become a cliché. Many Christians use it as a way to dress up hate as … Continue reading
A Mass Exodus Of Mormons Coming To A Town Near You
Earlier this month the Church of Latter Day Saints wanted to let everyone know just how they felt about “the homosexuals”. See, there may have been some confusion on the matter. Even though Mormons renounce homosexuality officially within their church, … Continue reading
Men Are Stupid and Women Are Ugly: Kim Davis – A Case Study
I’m sure by this point everyone has heard the name: Kim Davis. If you haven’t, here it is in a nutshell: Kim Davis is a county clerk in Kentucky who has a big problem with same-sex marriage. So despite the … Continue reading
Hate Has No Place Here: The Separation of Church and State and This Country’s Blistery History
The last few weeks have been kind of a big deal and everyone seems to be on high alert of either a progressive revolution (being on the right side of history and keeping up the momentum, so if you want … Continue reading
Love Wins! And It’s About Damn Time
Last Friday history was made and the United States finally got on the right side of it: Same-sex couples were granted marriage equality, ending the argument once and for all. I was elated, thrilled and so happy I was acting … Continue reading